Overriding Component Templates

This library was designed to be flexible and allow total customization of the markup used by all components.

There are two ways to replace the Handlebars template used by a component:

  • Pass a template HTML string containing a Handlebars template.
  • Pass the ID of a template element containing a Handlebars template.

Note: To avoid conflicts with BigCommerce and other systems that Handlebars for server-side rendering, this library also supports an alternate [[value]] syntax to work the same as the default Handlerbars {{value}} syntax.

Passing an HTML string

In your HTML file, define the template content directly in the configuration options:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>HawkSearch Handlebars UI</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<script type="module" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@bridgeline-digital/hawksearch-handlebars-ui/dist/hawksearch-handlebars-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
addEventListener('hawksearch:loaded', () => {
components: {
pageSize: {
template: `
<div class='page-size'>
<select hawksearch-page-size>
{{#each options}}
<option value='{{pageSize}}' {{attribute 'selected' selected}}>{{title}}</option>
<h1>HawkSearch Handlebars UI</h1>

Creating a script or template element

In your HTML file, add the custom markup to either a script element with type attribute set to text/x-handlebars-template or a template element and pass the ID in the configuration options:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>HawkSearch Handlebars UI</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<script type="module" src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@bridgeline-digital/hawksearch-handlebars-ui/dist/hawksearch-handlebars-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
addEventListener('hawksearch:loaded', () => {
clientId: "f51060e1c38446f0bacdf283390c37e8",
components: {
pageSize: {
template: 'page-size-template'
<h1>HawkSearch Handlebars UI</h1>
<script id="page-size-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class='page-size'>
<select hawksearch-page-size>
{{#each options}}
<option value='{{pageSize}}' {{attribute 'selected' selected}}>{{title}}</option>
  • Note: script elements are preferred over template elements as they prevent some browser parsing behavior which can conflict with Handlebars directives in some edge cases.

Note: This approach tends to be easier to manage than the previous option as it is more compatible with popular HTML editors and templates can potentially be loaded from separate files using Server-side Includes (SSI).

Customizing CSS

By default, a neutral interface is rendered to get your search instance up and running quickly. However, this library was designed to be customizable and allow developers to use both custom markup and custom CSS.

For developers who only wish to tweak the default UI rather than create something from scratch, there are some variables and utility methods defined in the default CSS that are available for use.


Although all components in this library utilize the Shadow DOM, CSS variables are able to cross this boundary in a way that normal CSS rules are not. The following variables can be customized in the host DOM to easily customize some of the default styles:

Variable Default Value
--hawksearch-container-background--alternate var(--color-secondary-light)
--hawksearch-container-border solid 1px var(--color-secondary)
--hawksearch-default-line-height 1.25
--hawksearch-default-font-color #333333
--hawksearch-default-font-color--inverse #ffffff
--hawksearch-default-font-family Arial, sans-serif
--hawksearch-default-font-size 16px
--hawksearch-button-background var(--color-accent)
--hawksearch-button-border-radius 5px
--hawksearch-button-font-color #ffffff
--hawksearch-form-element-background var(--color-background)
--hawksearch-form-element-border solid 1px var(--color-secondary)
--hawksearch-form-element-border--focus solid 1px var(--color-accent)
--hawksearch-form-element-border-radius 0
--hawksearch-form-element-placeholder-color var(--color-secondary-dark)
--hawksearch-margin 32px
--hawksearch-margin-sm calc(var(--margin) / 2)
--hawksearch-padding 24px
--hawksearch-padding-xs calc(var(--padding) / 4)
--hawksearch-padding-sm calc(var(--padding) / 2)
--hawksearch-secondary-font-color var(--color-secondary-dark)

Note: Internally, all variables omit the hawksearch- prefix. This prefix is used only to override the default values.


This library uses responsive design with the following breakpoints defined:

Name Suffix Minimum Width
small -sm 740px
medium -md 990px
large -lg 1260px
extra-large -xl 1800px

Grid System

This library uses a 12-column, responsive grid system. To use this system, all columns must have a column class and be the direct children of an element with a row class. The number of columns each column elements spans can be controlled with column--XX classes.

For example, the following will render two equal columns that are stacked until the browser window reaches the Medium breakpoint:

<div class="row">
<div class="column column--12 column-md--6">Column 1</div>
<div class="column column--12 column-md--6">Column 2</div>

Row Modifiers

The following CSS classes can be added to modify the row display:

CSS Class Description
row--reverse This will cause all columns to be rendered in the reverse order that they are defined
row--tight This will reduce the space between columns to use var(--padding-xs)

Column Modifiers

The following CSS classes can be added to modify the column display:

CSS Class Description
column--pull-right This will force the column to pull to be aligned to the end of the row

Utility Classes

There are several basic utility classes available to quickly customize the display of elements.

Note: All utility classes support the suffixes defined in Breakpoints. For example, display-block and display-sm-none are both valid.

CSS Class Description
display-block This will display an element
display-none This will hide an element

Flex Vertical

CSS Class Description
flex-vertical-center This will vertically center the children of an element

Flex Gap

CSS Class Description
flex-gap This will add equal var(--padding) spacing between each child element and allow wrapping onto the next row when necessary
flex-gap--none This modifier class eliminates the spacing between each child element
flex-gap--sm This modifier class reduces the spacing between each element to var(--padding-sm)
flex-gap--xs This modifier class reduces the spacing between each element to var(--padding-xs)


CSS Class Description
margin This adds bottom margin of var(--margin)
margin-none This removes bottom margin
margin-sm This adds bottom margin of var(--margin-sm)


CSS Class Description
width-auto This allows an elements content to determine its width
width-full This forces an element’s width to match its parent element

Text Align

CSS Class Description
text-align-left This aligns descendant content to the left
text-align-center This aligns descendant content to the center
text-align-right This aligns descendant content to the right




Facet Types


Landing Pages


